In 2024, we can’t deny that climate change is becoming increasingly more of a threat to our planet. Many of us want to help minimize this problem but aren’t really sure where to start or how to make the necessary lifestyle shifts.
In honour of Plastic Free July, we are sharing 10 simple and easy ways to go green that you can incorporate into your life.
1. Turn Things Off
You can reduce your carbon footprint by trying to reduce your use of electricity. Get into the habit of turning off your appliances like coffee makers, light switches, and televisions when you’re not using them to cut down consumption.
2. Switch to LED bulbs
Switching your lights to LED bulbs will help reduce your electricity bill and reduce the amount of energy you’re consuming– plus, they’ll last much longer!
3. Reduce and reuse first
Recycling is always a good idea, but consider trying to reduce the amount of plastics and other disposable items by trying to eliminate them or reuse what you already have.
4. Conserve water
You can conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning the faucet halfway instead of full power, washing dishes without filing the sink all the way up. You can also collect rainwater for watering your plants if you have a garden.
5. Carpool or rideshare
If it’s possible, try to catch rides with people, use public transportation, or Uberpools in order to reduce CO2 emissions and fuel from driving.
6. Bring your own container
Go out prepared with your own water bottle or reusable coffee canteen to cut down waste when going out– that way you’re not throwing away a bunch of bottles and cups everyday.
7. Swap out plastic
You can bring your own tote or reusable produce bags to the grocery store to reduce plastic bags. Even for storing food, you can use silicone food bags instead of wasteful ziplocks.
8. Buy local
Buying directly from local grocers or business owners, you reduce the footprint of the items and how far they travelled. Not only are you supporting your community, but you’re also able to get foods that are fresher and in season.
9. Go paperless

Try to cut down on how much paper you use by being more digital. Send e-cards or emails instead of letters. Task lists can be made online instead of using sheets of paper.
10. Buy sustainable materials

When buying new products, try to find things that are made from more sustainable materials as opposed to plastics such as linen, cotton, hemp or, for example, kitchen utensils made from wood instead of plastic.